Thanks to our Research Laboratory, we collaborate with public and private Institutions, Universities, European Institutions and Research Bodies and participate in Regional, National and European research calls also in Consortia and ATIs. Members of the National Smart Communities Cluster, we participate in the Innovation Poles of Piedmont (ICT, CLEVER), on innovative technologies with medium-term market spin-offs. We offer the CCIAA “Mentor PID” service for the implementation of the “National Industry 4.0 Plan” and support Enterprises in advanced industrial research projects in software and Internet of Things (IoT).
Internet of things (Internet of Things , IoT ) is a set of physical objects connected to the Internet and exchanging data. The concept of IoT can significantly improve many areas of our lives and help us create a more convenient, smart and secure world. Examples of the Internet of Things range from wearables such as smartwatches to smart homes that can, for example, control and automatically change the amount of lighting and heating. Also a prime example is the so-called smart factory concept, which monitors industrial equipment and looks for problem areas, and then rearranges itself so as to prevent breakdowns. The Internet of Things plays an important role in the process of digital transformation in companies. By 2030, the number of connected devices is projected to grow to around 24 billion with annual revenues of up to $1.5 trillion.
IoT technology stack into four technology levels and consider them separately.