
Emisfera supports Gsh Sempione 82

24 February 2023

Work from home: a winning choice

In conjunction with the Covid-19-related health emergency, Emisfera adopted the use of smart working in a simplified mode.

Subsequently, it decided to resort to individual agreements, prepared with the collaboration of the Unione Industriali del VCO, carrying them out within the “Corporate Welfare Project for Work/Life Time Reconciliation” realized thanks to the co-financing of the POR FSE 2014-2020 ASSE I – Employment, ACTION 8 – Promoting sustainable and quality employment and supporting worker mobility.

Agile work is, in fact, a pivotal element to improve the working conditions of employees and also achieve positive reflections on individual and corporate productivity. In addition, it positively affects environmental sustainability as the reduction of home-to-work travel allows reducing harmful emissions from motor vehicles.

To date, 81% of Emisfera employees, 100% of Netycom and Digima employees, and 92% of Workare employees have signed individual smart working agreements.

The results emerging from the periodic evaluations submitted to employees and production managers are encouraging and show that the experience is to be considered positive, in terms of productivity and work-life balance.

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